Chamber Committees

Joining a Chamber committee provides members with an avenue to build relationships that will pay great dividends that includes gaining new friends, new associates, and advocates for your business.  When you serve on a committee and interact with people outside your normal routines, you will have the opportunity to interact with all types of business professionals.


Contact the Chamber to find out the meeting schedule for these committee and to volunteer your time on any of the following committees.

Ambassador Committee

The focus of the Ambassadors Committee is to welcome new members, serve as volunteers at Chamber events, attend ribbon cuttings, and help connect Chamber members with the benefits of their membership.


Program Committee

Training and education can be downright expensive but the Chamber offers it free to our members with our Success Xpress webinars.  The focus of the programs committee is to plan and organize educational webinars with subject matter experts on topics that will help our members and business thrive.


School/Business Partnership Committee

The focus of the committee is to actively support our schools with needs-based programs and a driving force in developing partnerships between schools and business.



HYPE9 Steering Committee

HYPE9 is a Chamber program for young business professionals 21-45 years old.  The focus of the committee is to plan networking events, organize professional development programs, and provide community service opportunities for young business professionals.


Business Forward Females (BFF) Steering Committee

Business Forward Females is a Chamber program targeted for women in business professionals.  The focus of the committee is to research, review, and identify prominent guest speakers for monthly luncheons, and help with the organization of International Women Day celebration, and Summer Social.